Monday, November 17, 2008

Today is a good day. I filled in last week for my secretary while she took a week of vacation, so today I'm not needed in the office as much. Whew. I did get tired last week. Praise God that we are able to pay a secretary to help with the phone-answering, billing, posting, and a varity of other office type jobs. That way I can review the office work and still be mom and grandma at home.

I added a picture of Michael, Jenny, Aaron, and Evan Muth. They claimed that this was their first self photo of family as a four-some. The picture of Malcham was taken on his 16th birthday last June; Richard and I attended our local Balloon Festival a couple of Saturdays ago.


Jenny said...

Aaron would have LOVED that balloon festival! He cannot get enough of things that are "up high" and loves it when we can catch a glimpse of hot air balloons and airplanes.

Rachel said...

Hooray! New photos! Thanks for sharing them with us :) Happy belated B-day Malcham! Pass along a big hug to Uncle Richie for me...I miss those. Hope to see you all, maybe around the holidays.